Do you need an appraisal in Carroll County?When you need an appraiser in Carroll County, Appraisal Services Group, Inc. has your local experts. We appraise real estate across Carroll County and throughout West Tennessee. West Tennessee real estate values are unique and you need a local appraiser with experience completing appraisals in Carroll County and surrounding areas. In the past 12 months, more than 100 businesses found a home in Carroll County, and local option sales tax collections increased by 5 percent. Two hospitals in Carroll County with a total of nearly 150 beds provide immediate, quality health care, and also employ 15 percent of the county’s labor force.
Carroll County will soon have the largest manmade lake in West Tennessee. In 2008, Carroll County Watershed Authority broke ground on the 1,000-acre recreational lake. The lake, expected to be completed in 2011, will cover 22 miles of shoreline. Visitors will be able to use the lake for boating, skiing and swimming, and more than 300 acres will be designated for fishing. The scenic lakefront land will be an economic engine for the area, offering great sites for residential and commercial development. The following cities and zip codes are located in Carroll County: ATWOOD 38220 Place an Order for Carroll County |