Do you need an appraisal in Tipton County?The Tipton County real estate market is unique so why trust your appraisal to anyone other than the West Tennessee experts at Appraisal Services Group, Inc. We have years of experience appraising real estate in Covington and the surrounding areas. Tipton County is located north of Shelby County, approximated 18 miles from its most southern border to Memphis. Covington is the county seat and the largest of eight incorporated communities. The county is one of the fastest growing counties in the State of Tennessee and the Mid-South region. The county offers all the advantages of small-town living with the nearby amenities of a major city. The economy of Tipton County is quite diversified. The economic base includes agriculture, manufacturing, retail, and wholesale businesses, and personal and industrial services. Covington and Tipton County abound with opportunities for outdoor sports. The largest park in the Covington area, Cobb-Parr Memorial Park houses many special facilities and serves the most serious recreation enthusiast. Local sports leagues, and park user groups assist the city in providing organized recreation opportunities for the citizens of Covington and Tipton County. The park is used for many special community events including the Tipton County Bar-B-Que Festival held each year in the fall. Some 80 acres encompass the park area, the Covington Integrated Arts Academy and the Tipton County Alternative Learning Center grounds. This unique school-park recreation area is a focal point for the entire community. Tipton County is one of the fastest growing counties in the Mid-South. Since 2000, more than 2,000 new homes have been added to the tax rolls. The majority of the new homes have been south of Covington. The following cities and zip codes are located in Tipton County: ATOKA 38004 |